nickelkeep, Author
I am best known for canon or slightly canon divergent fic, and I genuinely enjoy casefic. However, I don’t shy away from AUs, and I love writing the SPN WLW pairs.
My fandoms are Supernatural, Leverage, Haven, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Castlevania, Our Flag Means Death, The Witcher, Stardew Valley. I also do custom stuff. Let’s talk!
The only difference between the saint and the sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future. -Oscar Wilde
My minimum guaranteed word count is 1,000, and my opening bid price is $10. For every $10 increment, you’re guaranteed another 1,000 words. I am offering two lots.
Want your bid to show on the listing quicker? Email me with the artist/author’s name to say you’ve made a bid.