mukur0, Author
current high bid $25
Hey there! If you’re looking for weird, you’ve come to the right place. My writing goes everywhere from horror to fluff, and I love to write Sabriel, Sastiel, and any number of gen fics. Canon divergence and AU is my game, but you bet I can wrap canon around my little finger and make it dance to my tune—and yours, if you toss Random Acts some cash. Crossover? Balls to the wall ridiculous AU? Cute single dad? Cthulhu? Cute single dad who accidentally summons Cthulhu? I’m in. And so are you.
My minimum guaranteed word count is 1,500, and my opening bid price is $15. I’m offering one lot.
Want your bid to show on the listing quicker? Email me with the artist/author’s name to say you’ve made a bid.