cutelittlekitty, Author
lot #1 current high bid $30
lot #2 current high bid $30
I prefer writing Sabriel or Destiel, though I don’t mind some CharM (Charlie/Meg) or JoZar (Jo Harvelle/Balthazar). I can do AUs (modern, fantasy, urban paranormal, scifi) or canon of any rating or genre you like. Smutty murder mystery? Teen-rated urban paranormal romance? G-rated RomCom? You want it, I’ll write it
When life gives you lemons, add your own sweetness and spice to make lemonade
My minimum guaranteed word count is 4,000, and my opening bid is $15 (because 15 seasons and this is for charity!) I am offering two lots.
Want your bid to show on the listing quicker? Email me with the artist/author’s name to say you’ve made a bid.