TobytheWise, Author

Hey there! I’m your friendly neighborhood multifandom writer! 
Fandoms I’ll write: Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Shadowhunters, and Dragon Age
Ships I’ll write: Destiel, Sterek, Malec, Jimon, Saphael, Fenders, Handers, Fenhanders, Alistair/Warden, Alistair/Zevran
My muse is especially interested in Dragon Age content but my past fandoms are also on the table for this event 🙂 I’m happy to write most tropes whether it’s an AU or canon! I especially love writing trans characters finding their happily ever afters and omega verse! I also love angst with a happy ending with lots of hurt/comfort. 

My minimum guaranteed word count is 1,500, and my opening bid price is $20.

Want your bid to show on the listing quicker? Email me with the artist/author’s name to say you’ve made a bid.

